visualizer module
- class visualizer.Visualizer
Search Driver
- bfs() int
Breadth first search algorithm starting at (10, 10) and going to (40, 35)
- Returns
Returns 0 upon finding end tile, 1 if end tile cannot be reached, -1 if pygame window is closed
- Return type
- dfs() int
Depth first search algorithm starting at (10, 10) and going to (40, 35)
- Returns
Returns 0 upon finding end tile, 1 if end tile cannot be reached, -1 if pygame window is closed
- Return type
- draw_walls() int
User draws walls on grid, then presses a button to start a search or reset the grid
- Returns
Returns 1 on QUIT, 0 on successful exit
- Return type
- graphics: graphics.Graphics
- reset()
Reset the window to original state
- run()
Search Visualization Controller
- tiles = []